It has been just over two years since the Taliban took over Afghanistan following the US withdrawal. Since then, the scale of the humanitarian crisis has grown considerably.
War Child’s programming has expanded to include health and nutrition for women and girls. With financial support from the UN, War Child has created women-friendly health spaces across the country, offering life-skills training, psychosocial support, and community services. In addition to this work, War Child identified acutely vulnerable Afghan women and girls, including survivors of gender-based violence and those severely affected by poverty and extreme economic hardship, to provide them with opportunities for income generation through intensive vocational and entrepreneurship training.
CloseNearly a decade ago, War Child recognized the need to create safe spaces for Congolese children to continue their education during times of conflict. That is why we developed a ground-breaking, interactive radio-based education program. Learn more at our country page here.
War Child’s focus on education and agricultural improvements has been critical in South Sudanese communities, which have seen an influx in returnees from Sudan.
Geared for Success is an expanded educational program, which has been building local capacity to begin implementation shortly.
FEEDII has been a successful partnership, offering training in improved agricultural practices and literacy classes. The aim is to increase and stabilize food security and empower farming communities to increase their capacity for economic sustainability.
CloseSince April 2023, intense conflict has overtaken Sudan. War Child has had a substantial presence in the country for decades, however the situation has made it impossible for War Child to safely continue programming at the present time – the area is physically inaccessible and the risk to local teams is too great.
CloseWith a long history in Uganda, War Child has been a leading agency working with the refugee and resettlement communities, aiming to ensure out-of-school children and youth have viable pathways to prosperity. This includes catch-up learning programs that allow young people who would like to return to school the opportunity to reintegrate into the local systems. War Child’s response to crisis-level unemployment includes business incubation “boot camps,” enhanced support for youth business centres, financial aid for training and business start-up, and mentorship with local business leaders.
Learn more about the Geared for Success education program which has been building local capacity to begin implementation shortly.
A Festival of Hope created awareness and recognized World Refugee Day.
BRIDGE is a substantial effort to offer educational and skills training opportunities to youth. This includes catch-up learning programs that allow young people who would like to return to school the opportunity to reintegrate into the local systems. War Child responds to youth unemployment with training that includes business incubation “boot camps,” enhanced support for youth business centres, financial aid for training and business start-up, and mentorship with local business leaders.
CloseWar Child has operated in Yemen since 2021, rehabilitating schools and creating awareness campaigns and training community members and leaders on children’s rights. Learn more here.