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We empower children living with armed conflict

Our Programs


Communities need more to survive than you think

Child-Friendly Spaces

We provide safe spaces for children to play, learn, seek help, and just be kids.

Catch-Up Learning

We help children who were forced to leave school to catch up on their education. Our teams develop condensed curriculums and train teachers in delivering these lessons.

Legal Aid for Women and Children

To protect their rights, our lawyers provide free legal representation to women and children who have survived violence and abuse.

Tools for Education

We give communities necessary supplies for education, like pencils, books, chairs, and handwashing facilities.

Rights Protection

We empower communities and local leaders to protect the rights of women and children through education and training.

Food and Farming Support

We support farming families so they can feed their communities. We provide supplies, including seeds and tools, and training, like livestock management and new farming techniques.


We teach conflict resolution to young people on both sides of a dispute so they can live and work peacefully.

New Business Support

We train and support young adults and women so that they can build local businesses and provide for their families.

Mental Health Support

We offer counselling to survivors of conflict to help them overcome trauma and build new lives.

We work with local communities to create environments where children can thrive

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We create safe spaces for children to receive early childhood development classes and informal education.

Thousands of women, men and youth are provided with basic literacy, life-skills and entrepreneurial skills. 90% of the women earn new income through their micro business.

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We adapted the national curriculum to a series of radio dramas to offer radio-based learning opportunities so that children no longer needed to make a potentially dangerous trek to formal schools but rather could learn where they lived with the guidance of specially trained teaching assistants.

More than 100 local actors have been trained on how to advocate for children. Our teams trained service providers to increase, physical, emotional, and mental health support services for children. More than 50 thousand community members have been sensitized to children's rights, gender, and inclusion.

South Sudan
South Sudan
South Sudan
South Sudan
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We provide agricultural and business training to women and girls so they can become leaders in food production and marketing.

Our catch-up learning classes make it possible for displaced children to get back to school.

We support peacebuilding efforts by bringing young people together to learn how to resolve their differences.

We help young people start their own small businesses by teaching them market-based skills and providing start-up funding.

Back of Sudanese woman walking in a farm
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For almost twenty years, War Child has been in West Darfur providing programs that reduce food aid dependency by creating sustainable, income-generating pathways for women and youth.

War Child’s activities in West Darfur were forced to pause following the outbreak of civil war in April 2023. We are hoping to resume operating in the country as soon as security conditions allow.

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Our catch-up learning programs make it possible for refugee children to return to the classroom.

We worked with the Ugandan Ministry of Education to develop the country’s first-ever accelerated curriculum for secondary schools, which is being adopted nationwide.

We are a registered law firm providing free legal counselling, mobile legal clinics, and representation to those who have survived sexual violence and abuse.

We work to educate community members on the rights of women and children and the importance of protecting those rights.

Girls in head scarves playing chess at a school program in Yemen.
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We facilitate teacher and community leader trainings, awareness campaigns, and child-led activities to prevent and respond to child protection issues and promote children’s rights.

We are rehabilitating schools – improving water and sanitation facilities and providing school supplies and learning materials to create safe spaces for children to learn.